miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020


Dear Readers

Then I will give a small disclaimer about this blog
adressed to all those readers who visit or want to
subscribe or be part on this blog.

In wich we will talk about different historical events of the remote past
e being this central idea as basis ''understanding without dogmas'' or prejudices
no mix alternated or delusional realities, fantasies, of what are investigations and disclosures
serious news by serious alternatives researches. 

The objetive principal of this blog is mainly to promulgate and disseminate new theorical and pedagogical foundations with concise tests on ancient cultures and human history, to open new lines of debate an re debate since history is slowly revealed and we are all building it and every day in joint partnertship each one countributing their part, our part to the community
 ''Alcazzar'': It is a word that means '' home ''. '' alcazar '' were named to the castles of the Iberian medieval kings. This blog is the " new house" of  the ancient history.
About Me and Personal Mission: Alexis N. Bianchini is a Autor Divulgator and Writer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is expert in Ancient Cultures and Lost Civilization. Constantly he has been researching sinse from 2015 to the present. My mission It's bringing people closer to knowing the endearing and wonderful ancient world.
 Every one is welcome in this blog!

  • In this blog we do not seek to offend or attack or discriminate against any public or privated Organism Religion Community Minorities or Cult. University or Scientific Organizations dedicated to the purpose of collectin and study Historical fact or Archaeologicals social and cultural mysteries.
  • The main idea is always to contribute and work together on the established with that thought as a base. We are going to place differents points of view historical events that occurred in ancient times. My research will be aimed at those who have doubts or are looking for news theories from a fresh points which to start and direct their conclusions.
  • In this blog we do not seek to transgiver or indoctrinate people with a single thought and every one has the right to think for himself.
Said these words 
be all welcome! 

A continuación dare un pequeño disclaimer dirigido a todo aquel lector que visite o desee subscribirse o ser parte de este blog. En cual hablaremos sobre distintos acontecimientos historicos del pasado remoto. e siendo esta la idea central como base ''el entendimiento sin dogmas'' ni prejuicios, Tampoco mezclar realidades alternas o delirantes, fantasias, de lo que son investigaciones e divulgaciones, noticias serias, por parte de investigadores serios. etc.

El objetivo de este blog principalmente es promulgar y difundir nuevos fundamentos teoricos, pedagogicos, con pruebas concisas sobre las culturas antiguas e la historia humana, para abrir nuevos surcos de debate y reedebate, ya que la historia se desvela lentamente y la vamos construyendo todos y cada día en Sociedad conjunta cada uno aportando su parte, nuestra parte a la comunidad.

  • En este blog son Bienvenidos Todos.
  • En este blog No buscamos Ofender ni atacar ni discriminar a ningún Organismo Publico o Privado, Religión, Culto. Ni tampoco a Universidades u Organizaciones Cientificas dedicadas al fin de recolectar e Investigar echos Historicos u Misterios Arqueologicos, Sociales, Culturales, Etc. 
  • En este Blog tampoco buscamos transgiversar ni tampoco adoctrinar personas con un solo pensamiento y con una sola verdad que sea absoluta. Cada quien tiene derecho a pensar por sí mismo.

El Alcazzar: Es un blog distinto al resto la idea principal es dar difusión a civilizaciones que no son tan nombradas con el objetivo de aportar nuevos horizontes y trabajar en conjunto desde lo establecido. Con ese pensamiento como base, vamos a ir colocando distintos puntos de vista sobre echos historicos ocurridos en la Antiguedad. Mis investigaciones van a ir dirigidas a quienes tengan dudas u estén buscando nuevas teorias a partir de una base fresca donde partir y dirigir sus Conclusiones.

Alcazzar : es una palabra que significa '' hogar'' , ''alcazar'' eran nombrados a los castillos de los reyes mediavales ibericos. Este blog es el ''alcazzar'' de la historia antigua.   

 Mi objetivo personal: Es acercar a las personas a conocer el entrañable y maravilloso mundo antiguo.

Saludos amigos!

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