martes, 26 de octubre de 2021

''Melkart'' La Principal Deidad de las Primeras Colonias en España

Esta pieza es de Torre Alta- Gadir (Cadiz) Circa 125-130

Melk-art es el nombre fenicio de una deidad principal de la ciudad de Tiro, hoy actual Libano tambien se asocia en conjunto con la ciudad actual de Cadiz y Cartagho en Tunez, y la ciudad de Cartago en del territorio Español

Melkart estaba profundamente asociadio con el dios Baal, Hammon, el consorte de la diosa tanit la diosa suprema de los cartaghinenses y se identificaba con el dios fenicio Mot de Ugarit, el dios Acadio y Asirio Mu-tu (dios del inframundo) y el dios babilonico Nergal.

El Templo Fenicio de Melkart localizado en la gran ex-urbe de Amrit .

Los santuarios de melkart en cartago (moderno Tunez) and Amrit estan decorados con motivos y simbolos Anunaki, Como la serpiente de Arwad que representa la sabiduria, y la ciencia. La Luna Creciente de Tyrian representa un nuevo nacimiento y el triangulo delta anununaki representa el equilibrio del hombre, tambien Delta es una letra principal del alfabeto fenicio

Estatua Actual de Melkart en el Museo Arqueologico de Cadiz, Esp.

En muchas ocaciones el dios melkart fue protaginista de varias controversias, tras ser encontrado enterrado, en lugares en construcción, en excavaciones arqueologicas y representado en monedas, tambien por muchos años lo asociaron a Osiris por el aspecto, la realidad es que demuestra la conexión entre las 2 ciudades que se llamaban por el mismo nombre de ''Cartago'', ademas de ser parte de un mismo imperio dependientes de la gran via maritima del mediterraneo y que tenian el mismo dios. La actual España en su seno formaba parte de las Colonias Fenicias.

La Filosofia Espartana fue Escrita Con Hechos

Muchas veces se mal entiende se piensa o se habla erroneamente de los habitantes de la Antigua Laconia Conocidos como el pueblo Espartano eran personas totalmente salvajes primitivas y disociadas a comparación de los habitantes de Atenas, griegos que a su medida habián desarrollado normas sociales a base de las artes la filosofia, la educación y el sistema de administración más famoso del mundo que en la actualidad se utiliza y se conoce como democracia. ¿Pero que tan cierto es esto?. Hoy voy a darles tres razones para demoler ese mito.

1.- Los espartanos no eran un pueblo de barbaros era una región oprimida por los intereses de los gobernantes atenienses, ellos querian imponer a toda costa su sistema a la egemonia espartana.

En ciertos periodos la centralización tiranica de Atica logro con mucha astucia establecer a los espartanos bajo la opinion publica como un pueblo de saqueadores y barbaros que solo afectaba a sus intereses politicos.

2.- Ellos tenian una vida diferente sin grandes lujos sin grandes templos y opulencias.

La casa espartana era sencilla en muchos casos de barro lajas de piedra y madera, con pocos lujos apenas usaban utensillos de metal y vasijas. Pero esto no indica que sean sub-desarrollados simplemente ya era su forma de vida.

3.- Ellos tenian valores, defendian su territorio sus costumbres, su descendencia y sus raices como la familia. esa era su idiosincracia.

Ancient Spartan Sword, Met Museum. New York.

Las mujeres eran altamente priveligiadas en el hogar espartano y tenian los mismos derechos que los hijos varones, incluso se dice que gozaban de una mejor vida por ser mujeres, ya que el deber del espartano hombre era la de servir y instruirse en las artes militares desde muy corta edad. El termino laconia viene del termino latin lace-demonius y del griego konos' que significa ''cono'' y se refiere etimologicamente a un crustaceo marino llamado conia mas conocido como bellota de mar, que particularmente tiene forma de vulva femenina, lo que puede estar asociado a la diosa principal espartana o las mujeres espartanas, poco despues los antiguos españoles utilizaron la palabra coloquialmente para referirse al aparato sexual femenino.

Ruinas del Peloponeso,Pequeña Acropolis Espartana. Departamento de estado de Laconia.

Quedo demostrado en la batalla del estrecho de Termopilas. Donde el arcontado no podia contoner la amenaza persa y tuvieron que concurrir a la ayuda del rey Leonidas I . Mas alla de que esto podia afectar el interes de ambas regiones era indispensable para atenas suplicar ayuda a su por entonces mayor problema. Resultado, que el mal llamado pueblo de barbaros contuvieron los ataques del rey xerses y salvaron los intereses de la casta intelectual ateniense. protegiendo a ambas regiones. Mas alla de que la batalla se perdio generaron el espiritu que grecia necesitaba para salvarse de terrible amenaza y a su vez proteger a la cultura occidental venidera.

Confundem Um Escravo Com um Fantasma!


En uma tabua suméria eles encontram a um ''fantasma'', de acordo com o pesquisador conservador do museo britanico Irving Finkel ao site web Live Science

O que se neste extracto retirado de uma estela, é um hieroglifo de um homen amarrado com cordas e presumilmente guiado por uma muler, o que explica o dr. que é um antigo ritual de desengajamento. Traduzido para el seculo xxi se refere a um ritual que e tradicionalmente conhecido no mundo de lingua esphanola como ''Um trabahlo de Amarração'', Arrastrando a alma do sujeito escolhido, para um final idencoroso.  

O Fragmento da Estela esta demolido e apresenta dois cortes, no bordo inferior as inscrições estão cuneiformes.

Mass iso pode ser um absurdo, pois o que se na imagem longe das fantasias e um escravo, sendo carregado pela deusa nin-hursag. Nos tempos antigos ter um escravo era muito comum os principais deuses do panteão babilônico tinhan centenas de escravos, e tohdos ou cumpriam um papel diferente. A palavra escravo nem tinhan as condolências do seu significado atual, mas escravo pode ser qualquer pessoa que desempenhe determinado trabalho para os deuses Annunaki, eles consideraram os primeiros humanos como escravos porque seu papel principal era suplantar os igigis em tarefas físicas

isso está implicitamente escrito nas memórias do deus enki atribuídas como a revelação dos observadores, em trechos sumérios originais (I:178-220).


 '' O Trabalho que você nos atribuiu está nos matando

o podemos mais suportar .

Paramos de cavar e declaramos guerra''


Por que culpamos os igigis, suas tarefas são muito difíceis

''a deusa mammu (nintu) esta conosco, deixe-a criar seres para nos servir e fazer o trabaloh dos igigis.

para que possamos colocar o suco enlil sobre eles e deixar os igigis voltarem para o céu''

''Equanto nintu a deusa do nascimento estiver aqui, 

deixe a deusas do nacimiento criarem a prole

deixe que as novas çriacões carreguem a cesta dos Anuna ''.


Os escritos em clay eram obras exclusivas para os principais reis importantes, nenhum mortal poderia acessá-los por ser algo luxuoso, apenas escribas experientes foram necessários para elaborar esses arquivos apenas para representar os deuses, momentos especificos, passagens mitológicas.

1.- Fragmento da Estela de Sargão de prisioneiros de Akkad marchando.

2.-A laje de escravos Naram-Sim do pecado naram.

3.-Fragmento de calcário da estela de Ur-Nammu-Estela (uR período III)


lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021

Bustan Esh Sheikh near of the Ancient City of Sydonia

In modern city of saida lebanon we can find a series of archeology emplacement that are very important to understand the phoenician idology

Saida- Lebanon.

Eshmun is a phoenician god of the City of Sidon-SYDONIA,  and god of the health and healing.

Asclepius statue in Greek city of Kos.

According to sanchunation esh was called eshmun the Sydyck. In phoenician lenguish and arabic as well the word sydyk means ''the just'' or the ''truthfull'' and the word syck means the truth. the greeks identified him with asclepius.

Trone of Ashtaroot ''Astarte'' at the temple of Eshmun, Look and compared the heigth of the man with the size of the trone. Is amaizing and absurde!

His symbol is a snake rolling on a rod and also a snake biting its own tail, making a circle, symbol of eternity, power feeding on itself. the god tot and hermes they also have the symbol of hermetic wisdom of the deep knowledge.

The baculus and stick of eshmun it was same as that of esculapius and god hermes called cauduceo.

River Awali, Lebanon. The temple of eshmun is located in the near the coast of the mediterranean sea and the river awali.

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2021

Piazza Pancali vestigies of the ancient Phoenicia in Siracusa, italy.

 Original the temple of apolo in Ortigia Siracussa, is a temple that survived at the passage of time and traditionally was part of the civilization phoenicia, Since part of it was for the adoration of Adonis, it is the god identified by the Babylonians as ''Tamuz'' according to mythology. In its origin, Adonis was the god of agriculture associated with a sacrifice that they had to carry out of a slender and well-formed person. to start the crops

This rite was performed festively every year. And they dedicated it to the main god called ''My lord'' ''The lord'' ''el'' ''eloi'' ''elohim''

Adonis is a greek name adapted by them trougth culture of the ancient phoenicia,the words  adonai and adoni or adoon comes from the expression phoenicia ''my lord'' ''my master'' which was explicity addressed to ''El'' what did it mean to them ''god'' the same expression after was used as el-oi and el-ohim.

1.- Adonis was son of ''El'' (god) shortly after it was know as Adon - Adapa - Adan

2.- Adonis was a term to indicate the supposed subject used of a religious activity a cult

3.- Adonis became a term used and directed to male physical perfection by the romans

According of the phoenicia mithology adonis was killed by a wild boar tusk (a sharp piece) and after his death the river nahr ibrahim located in lebanon turned into a river of blood the river.

Nahr Ibrahim River, Lebanon.

 In the italian Piazza Pancali in the island of the ortigia there are the ruins of a historically very important temple for the civilization of the mediterranean coast and the region , the place was renamed by the Romans as the temple of Apollo but this place was originally the ruins of the temple of adon/adonis. This is appreciated for its geographical location and its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea.

 In Kfardebian, Lebanon are the ruins of the phoenicia temple of adonis 

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2021

The Symbol of Ashur-Asur Royal And Divinity

The anunnaki great simbol is for excellence ''the wing of ashur'' appeared in many ancient inscriptions and statues on various countries civilizations and centers of worship

The simbol is compossed for three important esoteric simbols

 1- bird wings

2- ring or sun

3- man king of god in the middle


this simbol is very common visible commonly found in pillars persian roman palaces and phoenician altars and fortresses of cruzaders and bizantines in malta cyprus syria turkey jordan lebano etc.


Bird wings symbol is allusive to fenix and wind, ring of sun is a power demostration of the god sun and man king ashur is the elohim deity manifestation in the king of babylon

this simbol appears in the earth since firts anunnakis text in sumerian in akkadian, each time, the symbol appears on an inscription or a slab, it reveals the royal status of the personage depicted on the stele

The ancient dagan from mediterranean ocean ¿is the real history of cyrene and sirens? (mermaids)

 In ancient times the inteligence of the different habitans around the earth manifested itself in different biologycal ways. One of them was of many historys of strange beings who shared and where directly related of human.

this councios beings or beast as it was mentioned to the middle ages, they were part of our the most remote history culture or mitology.

Dagan is a Assyrian babylonian noun name of the fish god of the philistines and the phoencian firts the phoenician . He is human in physical form from the waist up, and a fish from the waist down (Mermaid tail). Dagan is dagon worshiped of the amorritas in inhabitans of Ugarit.


Dagon, Dagan, swiming in the flow.

Dagan was also the Assyrian god male of earth fertylity and the under world in female form is equivalent a goddess of the sea ''Asherah''. in according to philo byblius, dagaan (dagon) was the god of the plow and grains. Dagan is mentioned in several passages of the byblie in critical situations of sacrificie. 


Ruins of the city of Cyrene, Lybia.

Cyrenes is a ancient greek city in the cost of mediterranean in actual lybia the myts of siren started in the mediterranean sea firts with histories of the first phoenician senttlements and before with the greeks citys and finally in the roman empire.

 In the chase of (the fish-man) Oannes. He is a ceremonial lider of the Sumerian abkalus or igigis .

The history of sirens and tritons is a analogy beetwen the god of wings(el) that transmits wisdom. the myths of sirens says ''the sirens had a beatifull voices and so wonderfull was their talent that it was said they could even calm the wins''wich means that they are directly related.