viernes, 1 de octubre de 2021

The Symbol of Ashur-Asur Royal And Divinity

The anunnaki great simbol is for excellence ''the wing of ashur'' appeared in many ancient inscriptions and statues on various countries civilizations and centers of worship

The simbol is compossed for three important esoteric simbols

 1- bird wings

2- ring or sun

3- man king of god in the middle


this simbol is very common visible commonly found in pillars persian roman palaces and phoenician altars and fortresses of cruzaders and bizantines in malta cyprus syria turkey jordan lebano etc.


Bird wings symbol is allusive to fenix and wind, ring of sun is a power demostration of the god sun and man king ashur is the elohim deity manifestation in the king of babylon

this simbol appears in the earth since firts anunnakis text in sumerian in akkadian, each time, the symbol appears on an inscription or a slab, it reveals the royal status of the personage depicted on the stele

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